The story revolves around central characters: donkey, king, and his daughter ("Donkey-Skin").

Selection of donkey with immense ears gave more sinister look to the animal than it is in the nature. However, it helped the girl live in disguise and unnoticed. The princess became donkeyskin when she wrapped herself in the skin. Thus, the author justified the title of the tale. The story described the king as a wise, strong man who loved his wife a lot. It is unclear what made the king take the decision to marry his own daughter. Nevertheless, the end of the story described that some wicked flame in his heart was responsible for this lawless desire. Writer maintained a good logical structure from the beginning to the end.

The story is built on three logical concepts:

  • king's vow to wife,
  • prince's curiosity,
  • and the ring.

Writer used both formal and sarcastic tones. Sarcastic tones are observed in author's description how the king decided to put an end to his mourning, how donkeyskin forgot her ring in the cake, how people reacted when they came to know wedding would not take place. Writer's word mixture is strong and decorative. Certain word choice shows the author's personal feelings towards women that they are clever and do things on purpose.

The culmination point is borrowed from Cinderella; whose finger would fit the ring? The author uses chronological, interlocking and cumulative patterns.

Fairy's selection of items should be observed as symbolism. Fairy on purpose selected celestial objects: sky, moon, and sun, hoping the king would not be able to comply with these requests. King's power showed that even heavens and gods were at that time conspiring against the little princess. The author showed the essence of love through the emotional behaviors of both donkeyskin and the prince. Author was able to show that power and wisdom do not always work together when king became desperate to marry his own daughter; it is important what one has inside and not outside symbolizing the princess wrapped in the donkey skin.

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