Good leaders are regarded to be the result of the nurture factors rather than the nature ones. Usually they are exceptional people who are constantly finding themselves in a boundless process of self-education, training, and experience in order to inspire the whole team and to serve as a role-model for improving working skills concerning teamwork. Besides, good leaders are certain about who they are, what they know, and what they can do. A concept of leadership stands for the process of cohesive and coherent organization of teamwork under the strict regulation of a leader. Thus, a good leader is defined as a person who is supposed to influence the whole group in order to achieve mutual success.

The short animated video represents a classical sample of teamwork with the team members and the true leader who guides and motivates them setting a goal for the team. Thus, the ant-leader is followed by the coherent team of another ants who are entirely rely on their leader's visions, because the leader in its turn encourages the team members to work for the sake of the whole group and to help each other when it is needed. Ants leader is quite impartial, as long as it supports everyone equally not excluding any member of the team. It is attentive and aware mentor to its team members who perform well because of the leader's talent. The ant-leader seems to be trusted while organizing and controlling the process of ant's cooperation.

The main ant is initiative and sets the direction for their project, thus the ants are the responders, the followers of the task driven by the initiator. Naturally, the followers are less prone to be responsible for the results of their teamwork and rather would let some other ant to be responsible for them. It does not necessarily mean that every ant lacks the traits of leadership; it mainly makes a majority of them ideal followers. Additionally, personal traits of the ant-leader are as much effective as those of the followers for the mutual beneficial within their teamwork.

Although, the ant-leader embraces its position giving the ants certain tasks and objectives in the process of organization, it does not make it their boss due to the status, but also a true leader, as far as the ants-followers want to achieve the goal set by their leader. Despite all the necessary traits a good leader should possess, the ant-leader is technically proficient, knowledgeable of the followers' task, responsible for benefits and failures, keeps all the ants informed, and sets the example. When the team comes across the difficulties, and namely meets with their professional enemy, anteater, the leader notices the hurdle and acts immediately organizing a successful plan of defending a member of their group. The leader proves to be an initiative and creative supervisor who trains its team for the efficient cooperation in order to overcome the obstacle. Moreover, the ant-leader is involved in this plan as well thus proving to be a good role-model and making it not only the boss by position but also a good leader.

The ant's representative of a good leader tends to manage in difficult times creating a solution for the quite complicated situation, thus comprising two types of leadership: pushing through and problem solving. According to another classification of leaders, the ant-leader may be viewed as a combination of charismatic and democratic leader with some traces of ant-oriented leadership. It is partially charismatic, as far as the ant seems to be too energetic about directing the team forward and sometimes resembles a leader who is obsessed in its own conducting of the process. Nevertheless, it is also a democratic leader as it helps the others to develop skills in protecting from anteaters. It is an ant-oriented leader as well, as long as it is supporting, organizing, and developing ants in the leader's team not staying apart, though helping by itself. In addition, the ant-leader may be considered a situational leader, because it switches between leadership styles in accordance with the situation that has emerged, which makes it a good leader.

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